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Vacuum Packaging can be best described as the modern method of packaging and storing food products. The objective of vacuum packaging is to extract all of the air within the package and applying an air tight seal which prevents any more air from entering the package. With this method, oxygen as well as chemical and biological contaminants such as bacteria are removed from the package.
Many micro-organisms that can multiply in food need an adequate air supply to survive. With vacuum packaging the air is removed which decreases the amount of micro-organisms found in the product. However even at low temperatures only a few but insignificant microbial species can develop and are usually not considered a threat to the quality of the food.
Oxygen is a harmless but essential gas for the survival of human beings. However oxygen is also a very reactive gas and is able to come into contact with food products very easily. When oxygen reacts with food products a chemical reaction takes place which can have a negative impact on the food in terms of colour, flavour and odour. As a result the quality and acceptability of the food is questionable and at risk. The elimination of air (which consists of 21% oxygen), from a food package ensures a longer preservation of the food product.
However not all packaging material can be used to package food products. Careful consideration needs to be takes when selecting the plastic film used for food products. High barrier packaging materials are the most effective for long term preservations. The gauge (thickness) of the vacuum pouch is also a factor in determining the effectiveness of a vacuum pouch. The thickness of a vacuum pouch is proportional to the amount of oxygen entering the pouch. In general, the thicker the pouch the slower oxygen will be when entering the pouch.