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Partial Inventory List for Retort Pouches
3 Mil Retort Pouch Inventory list

Retort pouches are slowly becomming a popular design and concept in the food industry. Retort is the process of cooking food in the package that it is stored and sold in. It uses heat and pressure to cook the food in a strong and sealed vacuum pouch (available as stand-up or flat). Retort pouches are more flexible and compact than traditional jars and cans found in grocery markets. The package itself has a large surface area which allows for more information and pictures to be displayed. In addition, retort pouches are lighter and cheaper to transport, takes up less space, and requires no refrigeration. With features like that, retort pouches are one of the most valuable and cost-effective pouches on the market today.
To the left are links that shows some of the retort pouch sizes we carry in our inventory. To see our full inventory list or to find out if we carry a specific retort pouch size please contact us by phone at 905 513 6788 or by email at sales@alliedpak.ca |